Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Just getting started

Yesterday, I kicked off this blog with a brief introduction and statement explaining what I hope to do with this thing. Now comes the fun part: getting started.

I've posted a submissions guidelines page because we'd like to get more writers on board. I don't think this thing will work the way I want it to without some varying perspectives on the world.

Right now, I'm leaving this thing open to all types of media and art. However, you'll notice the sub-heading at the top says this site is "
A weblog of mixed media + cultural criticism with a literary bent," well, that's just my own perspective because of my own experiences. I know literature, I don't know other forms of art nearly as well (except music, I guess). So that's another reason why I want other writers. The "literary bent" I'm looking for is that I think literature works best when it's allowed to connect with the society that created it, and I think the same applies for other works of media/art.

You'll see a lot of archived reviews, opinions, and essays on the state of the world show up on the site in the next few days. Once I have some of those older articles up, I'll start posting some original stuff that'll be exclusive to the site. Of course, if I get any new writers, I'll add their stuff as well.

For now, sit back and enjoy.


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